We advise companies and investors Together we create value.
Advisories to Boards of Directors
Boards of Directors
The new demands of the environment create new challenges for businesses. Adapting to a volatile and complex environment requires an innovative strategy. Understanding the new trends can make the difference between survival and failure in this environment. Therefore, the role of the board of directors is crucial in making the right decisions.
We intend to achieve 4 general objectives, which will be developed using the following methodology:
Vision and change of mentality: Achieved with the formulation and implementation of the strategy.
Analytics and risk management: This is achieved by incorporating tools related to BI, big data, finance, and risk.
Critical thinking and execution: Achieved through workshops, training, and implementation of balanced scorecards and related KPIs.
Agility and resilience: Achieved through monthly balanced scorecard monitoring, evaluations, corrective actions, and follow-up throughout the process.
Our Services
- Corporate Governance System
Among the services we offer in this area are the definition of the management and control structure, as well as the regulation of the relationships between all stakeholders (shareholders, board of directors, management team, employees, suppliers, customers, society as a whole).
In addition, we have defined a Code of Good Governance, which is the corporate governance system responsible for strategic planning, corporate governance, risk management, sustainability, internal audit, compliance, digitization, cybersecurity and fraud management.
- Establishment of governance bodiesShareholders' Meeting, Board of Directors and Committees, Senior Management.
- Active participation in the Board of DirectorsTo determine the general direction of the Company's policies and to take the most important decisions affecting the capital and the Company as a whole, in accordance with the law and the Articles of Incorporation.
- Creation of committees and their respective orientation.
- Corporate finance topicsWe have a wide range of services, such as M&A processes, capital structuring and risk analysis.
- Family Office: We assist shareholders in many areas, including succession planning to ensure continuity in family businesses.