To prevent future crises. Proper financial management is critical to achieving this.
Our financial approach is divided into two main areas, the first as outsourcing and the second as financial consulting. We have attached a downloadable pdf where you can see in more detail what each service consists of and the benefits your company will have if you decide to hire us.
Outsourcing Services:
We are your ideal partner, guaranteeing the analysis, diagnosis and appropriate recommendations of your company's finances, so you don't have to worry about hiring specialized financial personnel. We provide services in two main areas:
- Financial Analysis
- Treasury
Financial consulting services:
In terms of financial advisory services, V&V offers customized solutions in the area of corporate and investment finance. This segment serves start-ups, medium and large companies as well as individuals interested in investing their capital.
Corporate Finance:
At V&V, we advise boards of directors as well as business owners and managers who need or want to implement a financial strategy focused on corporate finance that allows them to have order, structure, processes, growth and, above all, greater profitability. First we diagnose, then we propose customized solutions and finally we implement them. Our goal is to create value and to accompany our clients throughout the process.
Expansion and/or diversification projects:
At V&V, we provide consulting services to medium and large companies and determine which strategy is most appropriate for your business. We also project scenarios using financial models that allow us to understand the external and internal factors that can influence the process. This allows us to understand which strategy will be more profitable and how it will create more value for shareholders and the company.
Feasibility studies
It is a tool that analyzes all the relevant factors of a project to identify and evaluate possible alternatives, how to operate it, or whether a successful completion is possible. It takes into account financial, environmental, legal, commercial and operational aspects. Contact us for more information about this service.
At V&V, we participate in mergers and acquisitions processes, leading and coordinating teams to ensure a successful process.
Financial Valuations
We create financial models with scenarios in which we take into account the determining metrics that can affect the value of the company, so that all possible aspects are considered in order to obtain a real value adapted to the environment in which it is located. Do not hesitate to ask for our services.
Trademark Valuations
At V&V we use methods that allow us to value your brand and quantify in a tangible way the value of this intangible asset. If you would like us to perform a consultancy to determine the value of your brand, please contact us and we will arrange a meeting to better explain our methodology.
Investor consulting services
This area is for investors with capital over 100,000 usd who wish to structure their capital, create trusts or open an offshore account. Our goal will always be to increase your profitability.
Más información sobre nuestro servicio descarga el siguiente documento